Welcome to Responder Alliance

Stress is inevitable. Stress injury doesn't have to be.

About Us

Responder Alliance is made up of a small team of passionate individuals and a large community of responders and outdoor professionals.

Our mission is to advance the global conversation on stress injury formation and recovery in responders of all types. We do this by connecting responders, professionals, and organizations with resources, education, and training formulated on good science. 

We believe that strong organizational vitality leads to resilient responders. We believe that responders who are equipped to support each other and themselves are the best resource in preventing and mitigating stress injuries that occur in the field.

What we do

We're here to support responders and outdoor professionals around the world, so they can mitigate stress injury and do more of what they love. We do this through Training, Community building, and supporting the creation and operation of Resilience Teams.

Join us

You've made it this far, now it's your turn to join the conversation. Whether you're new here or have been working at this for years, we're here to support you every step of the way.